Free Key Code Check
You want to check if the code you found is a real key code? Fill out the below form. We will inform you if a cut key is available. We cannot use modelnumbers, serialnumber or VIN numbers. The keycode specifies solely which blank needs to be used and how to cut this blank. The keycode does not specify the transponderchip or the shape of the keyhead.
This service is only available to people with a shipping address in Europe. We only ship to addresses within Europe. You can have a keycode check done a vehicle with a year of manufacture up to 1996. This service is not available for other applications, such a housekeys, cabinets and cases.
Our Key Code Check is for free and for people that want to place an order with us. If you order a key cut to code and we cannot deliver, then you will receive a full refund. So you could also place your order immediately.